5 Key Benefits of Leveraging Phone and Email Verification Services

Name, phone number and email address- these are three fields found in almost all customer onboarding forms. You need the customer’s name to know how to address them and without a phone number and email address, how would you contact them? That said, there are often instances where the customer makes a typographic error in entering these details or worse, intentionally enters incorrect information. The result, your database becomes unreliable. The good news is that there is a way to keep this from happening – phone and email verification services . What Do Phone And Email Verification Entail? As the name suggests, phone and email verification services check the data being entered in forms as well as your database for validity and authenticity. They check that the phone number has the correct number of digits, is valid and is linked to the customer name mentioned. Similarly, email addresses are checked for syntax errors, common typographic errors and validity. So, how does this help...